
Boston based violist and interdisciplinary artist Rayna Yun Chou has performed and presented installations globally. Her most recent experimental projects include Hear the Light (2020) and Concert For One (2019) with features on the Boston Globe, National Public Radio and others. A graduate of Yale School of Music and New England Conservatory of Music, Rayna is a current doctoral student at Boston University School of Music.

周昀為來自台灣台中的旅美中提琴家,畢業於耶魯大學音樂院與新英格蘭音樂院,目前為波士頓大學博士研究生。長年專研中提琴演奏,已曾於台灣國家音樂廳,台中國家歌劇院,美國與歐洲等地演出。演出之餘致力以創新模式推廣古典音樂,近期作品包括社會實驗性展覽 Concert For One 與 Hear the Light

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